Saturday, January 28, 2012

Spotlight Your Business

Spotlight your business on our blog . Once a week we'll feature a business right here in our top post. This will be great exposure if you are having an event in a certain week such as a giveaway, an auction, a grand opening, a special sale etc. We're asking a $15 donation for this service.
You will write your own advertising or promotion, add up to 3 pictures and link to your business. We'll post it here for one week. There will be only 8 spots available (2 spotlight businesses per week) and will be first come first serve. For more info email us at

Another outlet we've just added is on our website
It's a create your own ad. It's on the front page of the site. You can place your ad for 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks at a a fee of $2.50 per week. (this is an introductory fee for this new service).

We are pleased to continue adding outlets for your businesses to get seen.

Have a great week ahead,

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Craft Show Top Sites Tips

Tips and info on using our Top Sites list at
The object is to add your website or blog to the list to help get traffic to them. Once you sign up, you will have an admin page where you can add a decription of your site, a banner and your link.

Tip: Make sure you get your banner link and size correct. To do this, go to your site and RIGHT click on your banner. Then click on properties. You'll see something like this.
This is the link to your banner. Simply copy and paste it where it asks for it on your top sites admin page.
Also it will ask for the dimensions of your banner. That info is in the same place you found your banner url.

Tip: Make sure to add a vote button to your site.
This is found on your admin page as well. Its used for your site to get votes so you'll be ranked higher on the list, which generates more traffic. If you can't add the vote button, you can post the link which looks like this: (hint: you can also post your link on fb and ask for votes)

The Top Sites list refreshes every 30 minutes. After you sign up you won't see your site on the list right away. It will show up after the next refresh.
Voting is set up allowing each ip address that votes, to vote once a day. You can also vote for yourself once a day.

We expect a lot of visitors to this top site list, so get on it, get votes and get traffic :)
Hope this helped.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

25,000 Talented, Rockin Friends

Amazing to think that TCS has grown to 25,000 friends on Facebook. Lot's of new businesses have joined us recently, so we feel compelled to post this article explaining what, how and why we do things.

What we do: 
In a nutshell, we provide outlets for people who work from home who create products or services, get the word out and be seen. The outlets we provide are our Facebook page, Website and this blog. We've recently created a Craft Top Sites page for you to add your website or blog. Getting your name out in the world is essential if you have something to sell. If no one sees it, no one buys it. Put your business links everywhere you can. You never know who may come upon your link and where they will find it.

How we do it:
On our Facebook page our aim is to introduce people to people, people to businesses and businesses to businesses. When you join our page, you have the option of introducing your business and advertising it and your products for free. Lots of people visit TCS, so you will be seen when you post. We also hold special events to help you network with others, such as our Cruises, Showtimes, Shout Outs, etc. When these events occur, we pick businesses at random to post. With so many businesses involved it is impossible to get everyone. Again these are free services that we provide.
We do offer paid promotions on fb as well. We have two shout out packages available. A one week package that guarantees your business 3 shout outs in one week by us. We also have a one month package available that guarantees 2 shout outs a week and your page will be featured in at least one of our cruises which requires people to 'like' your page if they join the cruise. These services are for businesses that want to promote but don't have the time to do it, or businesses that want an extra boost.

Here on our Blog we offer tips on networking your business. We have occasional giveaways, feature stories on businesses, raffles and other events. These are free services we provide. You will also notice the Featured Businesses banners along the right and left side of our blog. This is paid advertising that keeps TCS going.

Our website is fairly new and we are promoting it heavily to give another outlet for our members to utilize. The more popular it becomes, the more your business will be seen. So please visit it often so we get ranked higher on the search engines. It is free to become a member on the website. We'll be offering more options for the members as they become available. Also on the site you'll see the TCS Sponsors. Please visit them when you can as they help keep that outlet running.

The new Craft Show Tops Sites is for those of you who have a website or a blog. It's free to join and is designed to bring more traffic to your sites. The object is to put a vote button on your site. The more votes you get, the higher on the list you'll be ranked. The higher you are ranked, the more traffic you'll get.

Why we do it:
Quite simply, we do this from our love of helping others. If we can help someone become successful,  it makes it all worthwhile. People work hard creating products. We are here to help you promote them.

Again we say:
Get your business "OUT THERE". Put your link wherever you can. Everytime your business is linked, mentioned, advertised or seen, it's one more time or place that it's promoted.

Happy networking!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Add your Website or Blog to our Top Sites list

Happy New Year everyone.
We've created a Top Sites list for everyone to add your websites and blogs if you like.
It never hurts to have your links out there :)
Click on the banner below and follow the instructions on the top sites list.

The Craft Show Top Sites